The Dimensions of Wellness
The human experience is incredibly complex. It can be useful to organize components of this experience into categories to create a framework that considers our wellness holistically.
These categories/dimensions allow us to assess and attempt to promote wellness.
This page aims to improve your understanding of each dimension.
An Interrelated System
Although we can consider each dimension of wellness in isolation, it is important to recognize that the dimensions are interrelated. Steps that we take to improve one aspect of wellness often leads to improvements in other dimensions simultaneously. For example, let’s consider the impact of increasing your commitment to a regular exercise routine. Of course, your physical state is likely to improve, but you are also likely to experience benefits to your psychological and emotional well-being, given the robust benefits of exercise.
Physical Wellness
Positive perceptions and expectancies of physical health
Social Wellness
The perception that family or friends are available in times of need, and the perception that one is a valued support provider
Psychological Wellness
A general perception that one will experience positive outcomes to the events and circumstances of life
Intellectual Wellness
The perception that one is internally energized by the appropriate amount of intellectually stimulating activity
Emotional Wellness
The possession of a secure sense of self-identity and a positive sense of self-regard
Spiritual Wellness
A positive sense of meaning and purpose in life
Page References
The Dimensions of Wellness
Bezner J. Promoting health and wellness: implications for physical therapist practice. Physical Therapy. 2015; 95(10):1433-1444.
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