Free All Levels Yoga Instruction

Endless amounts of free yoga instruction can be found on YouTube. Instructors often use this platform to promote their paid content which is free of advertisements and often holds additional benefits. With a little patience, you can easily have a regular yoga practice at home without paying for the instruction. To access the following instructors’ paid content visit the relevant link on the previous page.


Yoga with Adriene

Adriene Mishler is the most popular yoga instructor on YouTube, and for good reason. Adriene’s channel has wonderful content that is organized by duration and area of focus, allowing you to quickly find a video that is right for you. She is a great place to start for any yogi, especially those new to the practice and looking for a nurturing teacher. Her daily yoga practices are very popular and can be found within the playlists section of her YouTube channel.


Dylan Werner

Dylan is another world renowned instructor who does a great job bringing your yoga practice to the next level physically. Dylan provides excellent cues to help you use all of your muscles within the practice to work on what he calls “true strength”. Dylan primarily releases content on the subscription-based AloMoves but has several free videos on YouTube.

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Patrick and Carling

Patrick Beach and Carling Harps are a couple that both instruct yoga. Patrick produces a majority of the content and pairs excellent cueing with a calm energy. The pair provide great instruction for students of all levels and like Dylan, release content on AloMoves in addition to YouTube.


Do Yoga With Me

This is a popular YouTube channel that offers quality instruction from a variety of teachers. Many of the videos are filmed outdoors which may be of interest for those looking for some enjoyable virtual scenery while they practice.

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Jessamyn Stanley

Jessamyn is a fun, high-energy yoga instructor and body positivity advocate,. She produces accessible classes for students of all body types encouraging a shift in focus toward how one feels rather than how one looks. Be aware that Jessamyn makes full use of the English language, which might not be for those easily offended.


Ekhart Yoga

Esther Ekhart is the creator of Ekhart yoga which produces many instructional yoga videos for YouTube and for her subscription based website. Ekhart yoga is home to several talented yoga instructors who together cater to a wide variety of abilities.

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Page References

Virtual Yoga Instruction

  1. Yoga with Adriene videos made by Adriene Mishler accessible on YouTube and at

  2. Dylan Werner’s yoga videos are primarily hosted on AloMoves but has some videos on YouTube

  3. Patrick Beach and Carling Harps have videos that hosted on AloMoves and YouTube

  4. DoYogaWithMe produces videos which are accessible on YouTube and their website

  5. Jessamyn Stanley’s yoga videos can be found on YouTube

  6. Esther Ekhart’s yoga videos can be found on YouTube and on

Stock Photo

  1. Mountain scene made by Pixabay from